Saturday, February 27, 2021

10th grade - Blog Activity - March 2nd


Watch the video and answer according to the information in it:
1. What is the term Fossil Fuels used for?
2. Where do Fossil Fuels come from?
3. Which 4 aspetcs define a type of Fossil Fuel?
4. What are the 3 main types of Fossil Fuels?
5. If Oil and Gas come from the same process, what makes them different? 
6. What are some of the applications (uses) of Fossil Fuels? (name 5)
7. Why are Fossil Fuels considered non-renewable sources?
8. How do Fossil Fuels affect the planet?

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

7TH grade - Class work - February 25th


Listen to audio file and complete the story, then make a list with the verbs in Engish and Spanish

________(1) an artist, and as everyone ________(2), artists are usually rather poor. Normally, I ________(3) about that. When the sun is shining, I sit on my favourite blade of grass and ________(4) music for everyone to ________(5) to. I have lots of friends, and together we’ve formed an orchestra.


Everyone ________(6) our music and ________(7) how cheerful it ________(7) them feel – well almost everyone. There’s a family of ants who ________(8) to listen. They ________(9) themselves far too seriously for music or enjoyment. All they do is work, work, work – even when the sun is shining.

“Hey You Ants,” I said to them. “________(10) a lovely summer’s day. Why don’t you ________(11) your feet for a while, and listen to my sweet music?”

“No time to stop,” one of them said, panting away. “________(12) far too busy stocking up food for winter.”


The months went by, and the days got shorter and colder. I was shivering so much that I couldn’t even sing. A hard frost was on the ground, and there wasn’t a crumb to ________(13). I was so hungry! So I went to ________(14) that busy family of ants and said: “Please Sirs, ________(15) a poor starving musician. Spare me a few crumbs from your store of food.”

________(16) you know what? Those ants just turned their noses up at me. They were so stingy that they wouldn’t ________(17) any of their food. Oh well, I’ll just have to ________(18) hungry this winter. In the New Year, I’ll make a resolution. When the times ________(19) good, I’ll ________(20) to ________(21)some food for a rainy day.

Audio file:

8th grade - Class work - February 25th


Complete the text with the audio file


Some people _______(1) that rats are ugly creatures. When they _______(2) a rat running along, they _______(3) ee-yuck! Well I don’t _______(4) about you, but I’ve always thought that this was rather rude. Rats can _______(5) hurt feelings too you know! In any case, when I _______(6) sight of my reflection in a stream, I think I’m rather cute.


Just recently, I was trotting along the King’s Highway, in my sweet little way, when I _______(7) a great commotion on the road up ahead. Who or what is causing all that fuss? I _______(8).


When I got closer, I _______(9) the King himself, riding along on top of a great fat lump of an elephant. The crowd of onlookers were ooo-ing and aah-ing full of admiration for that stupid beast with a nose that’s far too big for her face. She’s much uglier than me, I _______(10). So I _______(11) to spring up and down and say: “Hey everyone! Why not look at me? I’m such a cutie-pie! I could _______(12) the King’s household and be a royal rat, if only there was any justice in the world.”


At first, nobody noticed me. They were all too busy ogling that stupid elephant. Little did I know that riding behind the elephant in a carriage, _______(13) the princess, and she was holding a beastly cat in her arms. When he caught sight of me, the cat leapt out of the carriage and _______(14) to chase me. I _______(15)to run for my life, and popped down a hole just in time before the cat could _______(16) me up.


Now I’ve _______(17) my mind about wanting people to notice me and _______(18) me. I’ve _______(19) that sometimes, it’s far better not to draw attention to yourself, but just to _______(20) on quietly with your own business.




Audio file:

8th grade - Homework - Deadline: March 2nd 2021 at 06:00 p.m.


1. Dear student; Download the document, follow the instructions and send the evidence to before the deadline!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

10th grade - Homework - Deadline: February 26th 2021 at 06:00 p.m.

 Dear student

1. Go to page 16 on the Student's book and solve the exercises: 5/6/7

2. Upload the evidence to your blog (in good quality) before the deadline.

Monday, February 22, 2021

7th grade - Class work - February 22nd


6th grade - Homework - Deadline: February 24th 2021 at 06:00 p.m.

 Apreciado(a) estudiante 

1) Ve al Student's Book, página 16 y resuelve el ejercicio #7 completando los espacios con tu información!

2) Adicionalmente resuelve los siguientes ejercicios (en tu cuaderno) teniendo en cuenta las formas del "verbo TO BE" que aprendimos el día 22 de febrero:

Comparte las evidencias en tu BLOG antes de la fecha y hora de cierre

Thursday, February 18, 2021

7th grade - Homework - Deadline: February 22nd 2021 at 06:00 p.m.


1. Go to the internet and find out what is a "Stir Fry" (Write the definition or examples in English)

3. Anwer the following questions employing the notes you took in class:

4. Post your answers within your blog before the deadline. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

9th grade - Homework - Deadline: February 23rd 2021 at 06:00 p.m.


1. Click on the link, listen, identify the content, take note and practice the pronunciation:

2. Go to and record yourself repeating the information you listened to. Try to immitate the pronunciation.

3. Share the link of your recording within your blog before the deadline with the title: Homework - February 23rd

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

9th grade - Class work - February 17th



       2 questions in present perfect.

       1 affirmative sentence in present perfect

       1 negative sentence in simple past

       1 affirmative sentence in simple present


3 questions:

1 simple present

1 simple past

1 present perfect

Monday, February 15, 2021

6th grade - Homework - Deadline: February 17th 2021 at 06:00 p.m.


Descarga el documento del enlace y sigue las instrucciones. Sí aún no tienes el Student's Book, desarrolla el ejercicio en la hoja y con los enlaces de audio.


Envía la tarea (evidencia de buena calidad; fotos, escaneos, copias, etc) antes de la fecha y hora de cierre al correo: 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

11th grade - Homework - Deadline: February 23rd 2021 at 06:00 p.m.

 Dear students from eleventh grade, please download the following document and follow the directions given.

8th grade - Class Work - Simple Past Tense

 1. Watch the video and write the 5 affirmative statements:

For the listening part write 5 affirmative sentences in past taking into account what you listen to

 2. Read the Biography and write the 5 interrogative sentences:

For the reading part write 5 interrogative sentences in past taking into account what you read

Thursday, February 11, 2021

7th grade - Homework - Deadline: February 15th 2021 at 06:00 p.m.


1. Click on the link, listen as many times as neccesary and complete the blanks:

Hello Simona

Our routines _____ a bit different, I always ________ at 07:00 a.m. Then I _______ breakfast with my sister, ________ my uniform, and _________ to school.

I also ________ math and science every day, but here school _______ at 09:00 a.m.

Mom ______ us up at 04:15 p.m. When we _________ home my sister and I _______ homework together, and then she usually ________ her dog and I ________ the web. Once a week my sister ________ violin lessons while I am in taekwondo classes. My family and I ______ in the Boy Scouts, so we _______ camping twice a month and on weekends, we _______ love nature. See you soon. Kevin

1. With each verb you identify to complete the blanks, create a new sentence (1) with a third person (he/she/it) and employ the "s" rules taught in class.

3. Upload the evidence in good quality (photo, scan, copy, text, etc) on your blog before the deadline. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

11th grade - Reading, Listening and Writing exercise! February 11th 2021

 1. Click on the link to listen the audio file and complete the story:
Little Red Riding Hood Meets the Wolf

Once upon a time there (1) ________ a little country girl, the prettiest creature who was (2)_______ (3)__________. Her mother had a little red riding hood made for her. Everybody (4)________ (5)________Little Red Riding Hood.

One day her mother said to her: “Go my dear, and see how your grandmother (6)_______ (7)_________, for I hear she has been very (8)_________.”
Little Red Riding Hood (9)_______ (10)________ immediately.

As she was going through the wood, she (11)________ with a wolf. He asked her where she was going.

“I am going to see my grandmother.”

“Does she live (12)_______ off?” said the wolf.

“It is beyond that mill you see there”.

It was not long before the wolf (13)________ (14)_______ the old woman’s house. He knocked at the door.

Tap, tap, tap.

“Who’s there?”
“Your grandchild, Little Red Riding Hood,” (15)________ the wolf, (16)________ her voice.

The good grandmother called out, “Pull the string, and the latch will (17)______ (18)______.”

The wolf pulled the string and the door opened, and then he immediately fell upon the good woman and (19)_______ (20)_______up in a moment.
He then shut the door and got into the grandmother’s bed, (21)__________ Little Red Riding Hood, who (22)_________ some time afterwards and knocked at the door.

Tap, tap, tap.
“Who’s there?” said the wolf.

“It is your grandchild, Little Red Riding Hood.”
The wolf cried out to her, “Pull the string, and the latch will go up.”
Little Red Riding Hood (23)_______ the string, and the door opened.

“Grandmother, what big (24)_____ you have!”
“All the better to hug you with, my dear.”
“Grandmother, what big (25)______you have!”
“All the better to hear you with, my child.”
“Grandmother, what big (26)_______ you have!”
“All the better to see you with, my child.”
“Grandmother, what big (27)______ you have got!”
“All the better to eat you up with.”
Fortunately, a hunter was (28)_______ (29)_______ (30)_______ the hut. He heard the wolf, and recognised him right away. He ran over to the window. He (31)________ a good aim, and that was the end of the wolf.

2. Identify:

1) Characters:
2) Setting:
3) Plot:
4) Theme:
5) Point of view:
6) Flashback:
7) Flash Forward:
8) Foreshadowing:
9) Hook:
10) Twist: 
3. Post your answers in your blog.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

8th grade - Homework - Deadline: February 12th 2021 at 06:00 p.m.



1. Click on the link, listen, identify, take note and study the pronunciation of the regular/irregular verbs.

2. Go to and record yourself, pronunciation will be evaluated, so play attention to the original recording.

3. Upload the link you get on and post it on your blog with the tittle: 8th grade - Homework -  February 12th 2021 - Regular and Irregular verbs

Thursday, February 4, 2021

9th grade - Homework - Deadline: February 9th 2021 at 06:00 p.m.

 1. Follow the instructions and solve the exercies.

2. Upload the evidence on your blog before the deadline. 

6th grade - Homework - Deadline: February 8th 2021 at 06:00 p.m.


1. Go to the website and download the document:

2. Complete the conversation taking into account the class "greetings and farewells" and following the "clues"

3. Send the evidence before the deadline to; 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

8th grade - Homework - Deadline: February 8th 2021 at 06:00 p.m.

1. Read and complete the blanks:

2. On your notebook, make 2 lists, one for regular verbs, and one for irregulars, and for the regular verbs write (t) (id) (d) in front, according to their pronunciation.

3. Post the solved exercises (photo/scan/copy/etc) on your blog before the deadline.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

9th grade - Listen and Speak - Traveling - February 3rd


1. Listen 👂 and take notes 📘🖉 of what you understand on your notebook.
2. Practice your pronunciation 💪😀 while you listen the audio file.

3. Record yourself and share the audio file using the title "Traveling" 📼

6th grade - Listen and Speak - February 3rd - 2021


1. Go to the website 💻 and identify the expressions 🔊

2. Take note of what you understand 📓.

3. Record yourself and post the link 📢!

Monday, February 1, 2021

7th grade - Short Film - Writing Production

 Activity: Watch the short film and answer the questions:

  1. What emotion did she create?
  2. What feeling created that emotion?
  3. What feeling saved the situation?
  4. Name your favorite 3 words from the short film 
